
Settle me in sand and sea

To see the seashells and feel the breeze

Running through my hair

Brushing past my face

Breathing in deeply, the salty breeze

So refreshing, so soothing

Close my eyes, envisioning light

Bright white


Bubble of light about my being

Sun shining down on me as the Son does

Warmth of peace

All is well, while chaos scatters itself

No fear,

remnants only graduate upon completion.

Mind chatter, loud and clear

Counted are your tears in a bottle

In darkness, your screams are heard

But to embrace a shadow


Embrace wholly, fully entirely

All versions, all pasts

You are one in the same

Rejoice you are complete

Ready to live fully in what was only a child’s dream

Firmly stanced,

Armored in love,

Crowned in light.

Mighty warrior, sweet, beautiful soul

Fly like your inner child

Those wings belong to you




All is well, my dear.

All is well.